5 Must-Do's for Your Composable Commerce Migration Project

5 Must-Do's for Your Composable Commerce Migration Project
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Composable Commerce is the way of the future, but getting there without proper help can be tricky. In fact, if you don't follow these five essential steps, your migration project might just fail. Here's what you need to do to get your composable commerce ecosystem up and running with as little hassle as possible.

Step 1: Don't skimp on planning.

We all know the old saying, "Proper planning prevents poor performance." Well, that's especially true for IT projects. Success depends on what you put in, in terms of time and attention, which can be challenging when you have to manage your current setup at the same time. However, taking the time to plan everything out before jumping in can save you a lot of headaches (and time and money) in the long run. Rushing through planning might mean missing potential issues, scope creep, or rework, leading to costly delays or project failure. So, be sure to give planning the attention it deserves and allocate the time and resources needed to ensure a successful migration.

Step 2: Talk to everyone.

Getting everyone involved is key to success. Identify all the stakeholders and ensure you understand what they need and want from the project. Not just what needs to change but also what is working well today. Include your team, your managers, your customers, your vendors, and your partners. With so many moving parts in an eCommerce business, you need to keep everyone in the loop to avoid problems down the line.

Step 3: Look at ALL the processes.

Sure, you might think you've covered the major processes, but don't forget about the minor ones. Those small processes and tools are easy to miss but can have a significant impact on your project's success. Squeezing them into a tight scope later is hard. Analyzing everything will help you identify bottlenecks, dependencies, and inefficiencies that must be optimized to achieve your goals.

Step 4: Agree on the details.

Don't just focus on the big picture. You must nail down the specifics, including technical specifications, business rules, and system integration points. Make sure everyone understands what's expected of them. And don’t skip the end-to-end testing to cover changes in processes and routines.

Step 5: Communicate like crazy.

Communication is key to project success. Keep everyone in the loop with regular updates, clear and concise information, and tailored messaging. Use a planning board, a spreadsheet, or something else to give project members a one-source-of-truth, keeping everyone up to speed on the progress. Be transparent and collaborate with your stakeholders to build trust and keep the project moving forward. And remember to be timely in your communication, so you can catch any issues before they become big problems.

Migrating to a composable commerce ecosystem can be complex, but with these five steps, you can get your project off to a great start. However, Brink Commerceis here to help if you’re still unsure or overwhelmed. We have extensive experience in Composable Commerce implementations and can help guide you through the process. So, if you need help or have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.

/Johan Afséer

Johan Afséer
Johan Afséer

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